Dynamic Cyclist is a Canadian company based in Kelowna, BC. They have developed a diverse and deep video catalogue of stretching, strength training, mobility, injury programming, yoga, pilates, foam rolling, and even cycling training plans. Designed by athletic therapists, coaches, weekend warriors all of whom are cyclists. Designed by cyclists for cyclists.
Members of HPL Cycling have been using Dynamic Cyclist for a couple of weeks and we look forward to writing up a review of our experience as we progress through the programs. So far it's been a great experience.
Part of our sponsorship deal with Dynamic Cyclist is that we can offer the great members of our cycling community a discount. This fits perfectly into our goals of uniting our Saskatchewan's cycling community and benefitting all of Saskatchewan's cyclists.
Follow this link to signup for the Dynamic Cyclist https://new.dynamiccyclist.com/canada and use the coupon code HPLCYCLING to enjoy a 25% discount.
Check out the Dynamic Cyclists offerings and build your High Performance Lifestyle.